Hi, I'm Erkam

I'm a full-stack web developer

About Me

I have worked as an engineer on various projects. From high-tech government projects to Data-Mining and Artificial Intelligence projects. Then my world turned upside down. At that point I could see the empty part of the glass or I could see the full part of the glass.

I choose to see that as a new opportunity to start from the beginning. So I asked myself what I want to do with the rest of my life? What job I want to do? What was my dream back then? It was becoming a web developer.

I decided to become a full-stack web developer. But how on earth I was going to do that? So, I searched for communities, for sources and for guidance. I find many people helping and sharing their knowledge.

This is how my journey started. And below, you can find how far I have gone in my journey.


Live updates of selected projects from github: